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You don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy Israel

8 Oct

As the creative director at The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, it’s fair to say I have had more exposure to Israel than typical non-Jewish Americans.  My work in developing the online resources for the Heller Israel Advocacy Initiative alone educated me about Israel’s demographics and culture.  But my experience was not merely a virtual one – I was fortunate to be sent on a mission in 2010, when Federation Executive Director Howard Tevlowitz said to me before leaving, “Once you go, you’ll understand.”  My time in Israel seemed magical as my preconceptions of the country were completely wrong.  It is not a war-torn desert. The residents are not angry, gun-toting people.  I was never in fear for my life while I was there.

The reality is that Israel is a thriving country and the people are beautiful and engaging – Israelis are eager to talk about technology, politics or facets of their own country, (I was scolded for not visiting the North).  The scenery is gorgeous, like the biblical and beautiful Negev desert or the modern skyline of Tel Aviv versus the ancient architecture of Jerusalem.  While in Jerusalem, I made sure to visit holy sites for each of the major religions represented. These included the Temple Mount, (Islam), which was quiet and a bit eerie, and seeing the stone where the body of Jesus was laid in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, (Christianity), was not an everyday experience.  But interestingly, the most unforgettable moment for me was being at The Western Wall, (Judaism), at the beginning of Shabbat, where it was crowded and bursting with positive energy.  Israel surely offers opportunity for religious devotion, but she also offers spectacular history and geography lessons as well as a resilient people who are outspoken and charming.  You can read my blog about the trip here.

chris dome of the rock

What are some preconceptions about Israel you may have had that changed?

Chris Alexander is the Creative Director at The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.

This Day in History

23 Jul


Historically Jews around the world have worked towards equality; equality of all people. On this day in 1847, while under the reign of Frederick IV, equality for Jews of Prussia became legal. This is not the first time we were legally declared equal, but it is interesting to note today, July 23rd.

Between the years 1847-1923, nineteen countries and one U.S. State (New Hampshire) made it legal to be a Jew. This history is troubling to say the least but it is not as troubling as being emancipated while standing by as another group of people is still not free. Which is why it is so uplifting to see that Jewish leaders were partners with W.E.B. DuBois in forming the NAACP or that Jewish leaders marched right along-side Martin Luther King Jr. in the pursuit of civil rights for African Americans.  In more recent years, we’ve seen Jewish leaders instrumental in helping to advance civil rights for gay Americans. Harvey Milk is an iconic Jewish Politician for gay rights and in recent weeks, when the Defense Of Marriage Act was found to be unconstitutional, 2 out of the 5 Supreme Court justices who voted against DOMA were Jewish.

An old Jewish Proverb says “Do not be wise in words, be wise in deeds.”  It’s no coincidence that Jews are passionate about equal rights for others, as we ourselves have been oppressed in such a way; it’s how we have acted and continue to act once we get equal rights that proves our wisdom.

What other instances in history can you think of when Jews have helped another group of people further themselves?

Jessi Sheslow is the Development Coordinator at The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.


Tom and Jerry … Nazi propaganda?

30 Jan

Tom and Jerry…Nazi propaganda? You be the judge; check out this article by Jim McLennan on the connection between this popular cartoon and World War II.
